Code of Conduct

Auburn and Worcester Youth Lacrosse


The Auburn and Worcester Youth Lacrosse organization requires good sportsmanship, fair play and respectful behavior from all its participants.  Our Code of Conduct is outlined below for all involved and mirrors that of Massachusetts Youth Lacrosse (MYL).  There is a zero tolerance policy towards verbal abuse from any player, parent or coach.  Failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct may result in the Board of Directors taking action including suspension or removal from the program. 

The MYL holds each head coach responsible for the conduct of themselves, their players and the respective spectators.  All players, parents and coaches will refrain at all times from abusive and unwarranted disruptions.  Unsportsmanlike conduct or disrespect towards the referees will not be tolerated by the MYL and could result in team penalties or town program expulsion from the MYL.

Players Code:

  • Play by the rules, play hard and have fun.
  • Never argue with or complain about the referee decisions or calls.
  • Never taunt or instigate an opponent.
  • Commits to attending all practices and games where possible and understands that equal playing time is earned by this commitment.
  • Control your temper and resist the urge to retaliate when you feel you have been wronged.
  • Focus on playing good lacrosse and impacting the outcome of the game with your best effort.
  • Always picks a teammate up and never puts them down.
  • Demonstrate good sportsmanship by cheering good play; your team's or your opponent's.
  • Never be a "showoff", your goal should be to to have fun, improve skills and play good lacrosse.
  • Cooperate with your coaches, teammates, opponents and referees.

Parents Code:

  • Support all efforts to remove verbal abuse, inappropriate or non-respectful behavior.
  • Help your child work toward skill improvement and good sportsmanship.
  • Set a good example for the children and all participants.
  • Remember that the children are playing for their enjoyment and development, not yours.
  • Will not criticize your child for making a mistake or losing a game.
  • Commits to having their child participate in as many practices and games as possible.  Lack of practice attendance may result in some loss of playing time at the coach's discretion.
  • Applaud or recognize good play by your team and the opposing team.
  • Never verbally abuse or publicly criticize the referees and their judgment.
  • Recognize the value and importance of volunteer coaches, referees and program officials and give them their due respect. Without them, there is no program.
  • Will not force an unwilling child to participate in sports.

Coaches Code:

  • Ensure that your players' experience fun and enjoyable, winning is only part of it. Players should never be yelled at or ridiculed for making mistakes or losing a game.
  • Will have reasonable demands and expectations on the young players' time, energy and performance on the field.
  • Impress on your players that they must abide by the rules of the game at all times.
  • Develop team respect for the ability of opponents, for the judgment of referees and opposing coaches.
  • Support equal game paying time for everyone and extend positive coaching philosophies.  May use some discretion in playing time only after a player has shown a lack of commitment with practice attendance.
  • Set a good example and be generous with your praise when deserved.
  • Keep informed about sound principles of coaching, growth and development principles relating to children.
  • Enlist the support of your team's parents in your efforts to develop these attitudes and values in the players.